To become an SCHPBA member, fill out this membership application and mail to the address here:

PO Box 38
Sudbury, MA 01776

The Value of an HPBA Membership

The purpose of a trade association is to band together to promote our common business interests and to defend those interests from excessive or misguided regulation.

As a member of the Hearth Industry, professional representation should be a part of your long term business plan. Relative to other trade associations our dues are very reasonable. But, like all good shoppers, we want to know exactly what we are getting for our money. Below is a list of where your dues are spent and of some of the valuable benefits membership in SCHPBA includes.

You are needed as part of one loud voice for our industry!
All for $0.89 a day ($3.00 for distributors) you enjoy annual benefits of:
A vigilant state & national government relations effort to save your business from regulatory attack $1,800,000
National publicity to consumers $440,000
Industry and consumer research from surveys $250,000
BIZ Unite: Health Benefits Marketplace $7,900
Monthly newsletters with vital industry news $1,200
Attendance for your entire entire company to the SC Dealer meeting $790
Free entrance to the national HPBA EXPO $375
Member price for robust education offerings $599
Member pricing for NFI certification, Save $672
Listing in our frequently updated directory online $100
Automatic national membership $2,500
Low cost web site design for your business Priced by job
Referrals when consumers inquire about dealers in your area Priceless
Total value of membership $2,364,286

For $0.89 a day $6,450 is being spent to protect and benefit your business. Pretty good investment wouldn’t you say?